quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010


Previsão do tempo pra competição:

Saturday 4/17/2010

Sunny and pleasant


High: 27° C, Feels Like: 33° C
Low: 19° C, Feels Like: 18° C
Winds: NNE at 8 km/h
Gusts: 12 km/h
UV Index: 6 Low
Total Rain: 0.0
Total Snowfall: 0.00
Total Ice Accumulation: 0.0
Precip: 0.0
Chance of Thunderstorms: 0
Sunrise: 6:20 AM


Partly cloudy


High: 27° C, Feels Like: 33° C
Low: 19° C, Feels Like: 18° C
Winds: ENE at 12 km/h
Gusts: 25 km/h
UV Index:  Low
Total Rain: 0.0
Total Snowfall: 0.00
Total Ice Accumulation: 0.0
Precip: 0.0
Chance of Thunderstorms: 0
Sunset: 5:49 PM


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